On iDreamAstronomy you can view Near Earth Asteroids, see the Astronomy Picture of the Day, most known as APOD, and see APOD pictures
from past days. You can choose asteroids that get your attention and add them to your journal so that
you can easily find them later.
iDreamAstronomy was created as a final project for Hackbright Academy's Software Engineering Fellowship program.
The developer behind iDreamAstronomy is Thalia Lietz.
She is an immigrant originally from Brazil with a background in HR who decided to become a Software Engineer.
Thalia Lietz had an idea to start iDreamAstronomy as her final project stemming from her love of Astronomy.
All the information displayed throughout the website comes from NASA Open API's named Asteroids - NeoWs and APOD,
all the pictures and videos come from Nasa's Image and Video Library.
To contact Thalia Lietz please visit her LinkedIn or click here to send her an email.